Florida State Elks Association
Florida Elks Lodges - Details
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Lodge:  Lake City #893
Lodge Mailing Address
Address: P.O. Box 1122
City: Lake City
State: FL
Zip: 32056-1122
Lodge Physical Address
Address: 259 NE Hernando Avenue
City: Lake City
State: FL
Zip: 32055-4016
Lodge Telephones
Phone 1: 386-752-2284
Location: Lounge
Phone 2: 386-752-2284
Location: Office
Phone 3:
Lodge Meetings/Email/Website/Network
Meeting Night: Wed
Frequency: 1st & 3rd - Feb. 1st, 2nd, & 3rd
Meeting Time: 7:00 P.M.
Email: bpoe893@comcast.net
Email: bpoe893@comcast.net
Website Clickable Link:
Is WIFI available?: Yes
Lodge Office/Lounge/Dining - Days & Hours of Operation
Lounge: Open Mon thru Sat from 4pm until 10pm.
Office: Meeting nights (1st and 3rd Wednesdays) & 3rd Tuesday 5:30-8
Dining: Tuesday 6:30 - 8:30 pm, Friday nights from 6:30 - 8:30 pm
Live Entertainment: Special Events
Bingo: No
RV Parking (Y/N): No
RV Facilities?
Accept Credit Cards: Yes
Lodge Dues/Fees/Bulletin Information
Annual Dues Amount: 100.00
Proposed Member Application Fee: 50.00
Transfer Demit Fee: 20.00
Reinstatement Fee: 50.00
Lodge Bulletin Name: The Surveyor
Lodge Bulletin Editor Name: Renee Williams
Lodge Bulletin Editor Email: elksnorthdistrictbulletin@gmail.com