Online Reporting  

  Orientation Visit Report
Lodge Number
Lodge Name
Report Year
District Chairman Name
Date of Visit for Indoctrination   
Indoctrination Catagory Points Awarded
Opening Observance (Lodge option formal or informal)
Orientation Chairman Welcomes & Introduces The Candidates and Visitors
Exalted Ruler Introduces The Officers and Chairman Present
Brief History of the Elks
Current Grand Lodge, FSEA and local Lodge Structure
Grand Lodge and FSEA DVDs Shown
Discussion on Youth Camp & Therapy Services
Discussion on National Foundation
Discussion of Local Lodge Committees
Discussion of Local Lodge Special Projects
Discussion of Local Lodge Social Activities
Provided Information for the night of Initiation (ie: date and time, dress code, who will lead them and Obligation)
Were Information Packets Provided?
What Is Expected From Them As New Members. (Their Obligation To Be Active In The Lodge)
Was The Orientation Conducted In A Warm Welcoming Tone?
Did Session Start on Time
Were The Officers Appropriately Dressed (business casual or matching Lodge Golf Shirts acceptable. Lodge Officer Name tags required)
Number of Officers Present (1 Pt. per Officer, Max. 6 Pts.)
A Time Provided For Candidates Questions
Closing Observance
Length of Program between 1 To 1.5 Hours
Was the Ladies Organization Represented By A Speaker
Were Lists of Lodge Committees & Activities Distributed to the Candidates & Were they Asked to return them with Preferences Marked
  Scoring Totals:   60