Florida State Elks Association
Florida Elks Lodges - Details
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Lodge:  Punta Gorda #2606
Lodge Mailing Address
Address: P.O. Box 511598
City: Punta Gorda
State: FL
Zip: 33951-1598
Lodge Physical Address
Address: 25538 Shore Drive
City: Punta Gorda
State: FL
Zip: 33950
Lodge Telephones
Phone 1: 941-769-5275
Location: Secretary
Phone 2: 941-769-4392
Location: Secretary Assistant
Phone 3: 941-769-5273
Location: Business Office
Lodge Meetings/Email/Website/Network
Meeting Night: Tues.
Frequency: 1st & 3rd - Jul. 1st - Aug. 2nd
Meeting Time: 7:00 P.M.
Email: pgelks2606@gmail.com
Email: pgelks2606@gmail.com
Website: PuntaGordaELKS.org
Website Clickable Link: PuntaGordaELKS.org
Is WIFI available?: Yes
Lodge Office/Lounge/Dining - Days & Hours of Operation
Lounge: opens at 12 noon
Office: 8-2 monday thru thursday 8-12 on friday
Dining: Food 7 days a week, Chicken night on mondays 4:30pm.
Live Entertainment: live music friday & saturday music and food sunday afternoons
Bingo: Yes
RV Parking (Y/N): Yes
RV Facilities? Dray Camping
Accept Credit Cards: Yes
Lodge Dues/Fees/Bulletin Information
Annual Dues Amount: 73.00
Proposed Member Application Fee: 100.00
Transfer Demit Fee: 25.00
Reinstatement Fee: 25.00
Lodge Bulletin Name: The Elks Tale
Lodge Bulletin Editor Name: Peter E Vaphiades
Lodge Bulletin Editor Email: petevaff@comcast.net